Our service-learning programme encourages students to selflessly help others and learn lessons from the provision of service. In the process, students learn how to be more caring and develop a sense of empathy. They are also given an opportunity to reflect on the meaning of community service, self-love, and gratitude. More

Our Scout Group (The 30th Kowloon Scout Group) was established in 1984 as a Private Scout Group, including Junior Scouts (11-16 years old) and Senior Scouts (15-21 years old). This group aims at promoting the development of five ways of life of teenagers through challenging and progressive training and activities. In addition to the regular assembly on Saturday mornings, the Scout Group also organizes different activities, such as hiking, camping, special assessments, and elderly and community visits so that members can enjoy the scout life. More

The 179th Red Cross Youth Units, as members of the International Red Cross Movement, aim at protecting life and health, serving the community, and putting the spirit of humanity in action. Members are equipped with leadership skills, health care knowledge, discipline, and social service skills by participating in group activities in order to provide a variety of quality services to the needy in the community. The activities regularly held each year include marching exercises, first aid service, fruit day, school & community health check and health promotion and social activities. More

Guided by the motto “Learn, Be concerned and Serve”, the Community Youth Club provides education opportunities beyond the school curriculum to enhance the sense of civic responsibility among youngsters. Opportunities include charity flower sales, charity school cleaning, movie shows, and other programmes. Through the TKP & YWCA Elder Academy operated in partnership with the Young Women’s Christian Association, different interest classes and outings have been organised to engage with the elderly in the community and bring generations closer together. More

The Junior Police Call (JPC) was set up to foster a better understanding of police work and build closer ties among youngsters and the community. Our school is a branch of the Kowloon City Junior Police Call. By becoming JPC members, students can learn how to work with the police to fight crime, develop a sense of social responsibility, and establish admirable values. The JPC also provides a variety of activities and training programs for local young people, developing the leadership skills they will need to become community leaders of tomorrow. More